To the woman who is ready to reclaim her health, remember her power, and realize her potential…

This coaching experience is for the woman who feels the call to live a soul-led life, the one who knows that there is more.

This work is deeply transformational; revealing more of who you are and remembering your true power.

It is a journey of embodiment + empowerment.

It is a journey of Becoming. Becoming more aligned, authentic, empowered, and purpose-filled.

A woman in her authentic power is truly unstoppable. It is about expressing the essence of your soul without the need for external validation.

Being an embodied + empowered woman is being true to you, living with that deep connection to yourself and your soul.

This is a deep journey of self-discovery so that you can reclaim your health + power and live a life true to you.


Transformational Coaching Experience

Custom 1:1 Coaching based on your unique body, values, desires, + human design.


3 x 90 minute Sessions | Month

These sessions include + alternate between Nutrition, Life Coaching, Breathwork, EFT + Embodiment Work

Coaching and Support via Telegram between sessions

Weekly Journal Prompts + Tasking

Embodiment Practices to deepen your integration

Resources + Recommendations to support your wellness + becoming journey

Let your wellness journey be the greatest transformational growth opportunity you’ve experienced yet!

If you feel the call to work with me, book a clarity call to learn more about the experience and the transformation that awaits!

The Embodied Wellness Method

My signature method that will align your body, mind and soul, so that you can unlock radiant health from within + live a life true to you!

  • The Body Blueprint

    The Body Blueprint is foundational in reclaiming your health. When you reclaim your health, you reclaim your power and your life.

    Through a discovery of your Body Blueprint you will reconnect to your body so that you feel empowered to nourish yourself + create radiant health.

    Reconnecting to your body is all about learning to trust yourself in a whole new way. In this phase you begin to gain clarity around where you are and what brought you to this point.

    Discover the true cause(s) behind your physical, mental, and emotional symptoms + conditions, so you can take aligned action to heal + unlock radiant health.

    It is time to feel energized + confident in your body! Know that your body can and will heal when given the support it needs.

  • Magnetize Your Mind

    Magnetizing Your Mind allows you to Expand and Master Your Mind: Recognize + Reclaim its Power.

    Your mind is incredibly powerful. Creating a foundation of physical health, you can leverage the power of your mind to create the life you desire.

    Experience freedom from old patterns, limiting beliefs, fears, + doubts that have been holding you back up until now.

    This is where you get to take aligned action toward what you value + desire, so you can live in alignment with your truth.

    Discover the true power and confidence that comes from believing in yourself. Create lasting change and transformation through powerful neural mindset work and reprogramming.

  • Set Your Soul On Fire

    Setting Your Soul on Fire transpires naturally as you create radiant health: physically, mentally, + emotionally.

    Discover your unique gifts + passions to design a fulfilling + purposeful life.

    Life is your best teacher: you are designed to learn and grow. Remember, each experience serves a purpose and bestows a lesson. This phase is about expressing yourself + being who you are here to be.

    It is time to share your purpose in an aligned + impactful way. It is in this phase that your confidence + self-trust are anchored in, which allow you to rise + expand into your fullest potential.

    Stop settling. It’s time to rise into your true power + soul purpose.

    Be true to you and live a life that aligns with you!