Embodied Wellness

“My work is meant to be experienced, not explained.”

Often I have clients come to me wanting to transform one area of their life, seeking a tangible result… It’s not until they have experienced what I do that they begin to get a glimpse and understand the depth of it. What I’ve come to find is that the experience and transformation that take place are so much deeper than can be explained through words. Embodied Wellness truly is about the Embodied Experience that creates the true transformation. Your physical wellness is the foundation. As we transform the physical everything else is impacted.

Wellness as defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary is “the quality or state of being in good health.” But what does it mean to be in “good health?” And who defines what “good health” truly means to you and how it feels in your body? Wouldn’t you rather create and experience radiant health?! Historically, Health/Wellness have been considered and approached solely on a physical level. Thankfully, that is changing. You likely found your way here because you approach health holistically and want you are aware of the ways to support your physical wellness: nutrition, hydration, exercise, sleep, etc, you may not be aware of the other components of wellness, which I believe are just as important. Your thoughts, feelings, energy, relationships, and emotions influence your physical health and wellness as everything is interconnected.

Embodied Wellness is an innovative and integrative approach to wellness; creating radiant health on the foundations of embodiment + empowerment. The foundation of embodiment is all about reconnecting to your body; learning to trust it and listen to its innate intelligence. In listening to your body you become more embodied and connected, allowing radiant health to transpire naturally. The foundation of empowerment is all about reclaiming your power; learning to advocate for yourself and remembering the power you have to take your health into your own hands. Embodied Wellness considers all aspects of you as a soul in a human body: The Physical, Energetic, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual, The Five Elements of Wellness. This involves finding the foods, rituals, tools, and practices that nourish you: body | mind | soul. Embodied Wellness is a journey of wellness and personal growth. You are designed to flourish. It is time to activate the codes for Radiant Health + Soul Purpose that exist within you.

In the beginning of my health journey I focused only on my physical health. I was doing all the “right” things to support my physical wellness, yet felt more disconnected from my body as I was so caught up in my mind, trying to figure out how to “fix” my body. I was thinking about my body rather than connecting to how my body was feeling. It wasn’t until later that I became aware of the impact my thoughts, feelings, and (suppressed) emotions had on my physical health. I discovered the importance of a holistic approach and found incredible tools and modalities to support my energy, mind, heart, and soul. My journey of healing my physical body, discovering my purpose, and becoming who I am has evolved into The Embodied Wellness Method: My signature method to help you create and live a fulfilling and aligned lifestyle that creates true transformation and radiant health. 

The Elements of Embodied Wellness:

  • Physical

    “Physical [wellness] is the first requisite of happiness.” ~Joseph Pilates

    The physical element is the most dense energetically and is all about your physical body.

    How do you feel physically?

    The focus is on finding aligned ways to nourish + reconnect with your body to create flourishing health.

    Ways to support your Physical Wellness:

    Healing Foods, Supplements, Cleansing, Hydration, Sleep, Movement

  • Energetic

    “Everything is energy…This is physics.” ~Darryl Anka

    Your time and energy are your most valuable resources. How are you spending your time and energy?

    How do you feel energetically?

    The focus is on noticing what energizes and what depletes you, so you can do more of what inspires and energizes you.

    Ways to support your Energetic Wellness:

    Meditation, Rest, Breathwork, Sound Healing, Energy Work, Chakra Balancing, Access Consciousness

  • Mental

    “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right.” ~Henry Ford

    You are so much more than your thoughts. You have the power to choose which thoughts you will nourish and which you will release.

    How do you feel mentally?

    The focus is on becoming aware of your thoughts, patterns, and beliefs, so you can begin to create the life you desire.

    Ways to support your Mental Wellness:

    Meditation, Breathwork, Cognitive Coaching, Mindset Work, NLP

  • Emotional

    “Emotion [is simply] energy in motion.” ~Peter McWilliams

    Your emotions, whether expressed or suppressed, are powerful influencers of your health and happiness.

    How do you feel emotionally?

    The focus is on your connection to yourself, self-love, and relationships with friends, partners, and family.

    Ways to support your Emotional Wellness:

    Feel your feelings, EWC Communication, EFT, Breathwork, Journaling, Somatic Release

  • Spiritual

    “There’s a spiritual connection to [radiant] health; it’s not just physical.” ~Nancy Evans

    You are a soul in a human body, and it is time to let your soul speak to you. It is time to live a soul-led life.

    How do you feel spiritually?

    The focus is on deepening the connection to something greater than yourself: Universe, God, Love, Mother Nature, etc.

    Ways to support your Spiritual Wellness:

    Meditation, Prayer, Reading, Nature, Visualization, Journaling, Breathwork

Embodied Wellness: Body | Mind | Soul

A highlight of the Embodied Wellness Method Modalities:

  • Nutritional Health Coaching

    You are a biochemical unique individual. You know your body better than anyone else. We will dive deep and help you reconnect with your body and its innate intelligence. The more you connect with your body, the more you align to its natural rhythms and needs, thus creating more harmony for it to heal and restore itself. These customized nutritional health/wellness coaching sessions will help you understand your biochemically unique body and give you the tools to discern which foods, supplements, and routines best support and optimize your health.

    In the initial wellness session we complete a health history that serves as a snapshot of what your lifestyle has been up to that point. This first session is foundational in your wellness journey, so that we have a clear sense of where you’ve been, where you are, and where you desire to go. We dive deep into the physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual components of health/wellness to gain a deeper understanding of the holistic wellness puzzle. We explore food, hydration, sleep, stress, movement, and breathing patterns among other things.

    In the following sessions, we evaluate and refine what has been working and fine tune it to your body and its rhythms. It is about finding what aligns with you, your values and goals, and your biochemically unique body, mind, and soul. There is no right nor wrong way, only your way.

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

    Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as “tapping,” is a combination of psychology and acupressure. Deeply rooted in clinical research and scientific evidence, it involves exposure therapy, reframing, and activation of the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS)/ “rest + digest” branch of the Autonomic Nervous System. EFT involves verbally processing while tapping on certain acupressure points, which are based in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and correspond to the meridians (energy channels) in the body.

    EFT is an incredibly simple, yet powerful technique to create lasting change and transformation. It helps alleviate physical pain, emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and stress. Additionally, it is incredibly powerful in supporting the release of limiting beliefs, fear, unproductive patterns, doubts, and resistance.

  • Breathwork

    Breathwork is an ancient healing modality and scientifically supported practice that supports you in regulating your nervous system and reconnecting to your body. There are so many incredible benefits of breathwork like increased lung capacity, stamina, and performance. Breathwork also strengthens the immune system, boosts mental clarity, enhances sleep, and energizes the mind and body.

    Your breath is the most powerful, most accessible tool you have to self-regulate, relieve stress, and change your state. Each emotion is associated with a specific breath pattern. By becoming aware of your breath, you can become aware of how we’re feeling. Similarly, you can reverse engineer how you want to feel by breathing in a particular pattern. You can use your breath to energize us, ground us, and support us when we feel anxious, stressed or overwhelmed.

    Breathwork is about learning to trust your body. The more you get out of the mind and into the body, the more you heal and the more present you feel. Let your breath reconnect you with your body so you can experience radiant health and freedom.

  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

    Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) explores how the verbal and nonverbal language we use becomes interpreted through the filters of our mind. Our conscious + unconscious beliefs have contributed to these filters through which we see the world. Awareness of our patterns, beliefs, and actions is essential so we can begin to understand how these have influenced our past and create our current reality.

    Our minds are so powerful. The thoughts we think and words we speak impact our actions, decisions, perception, and create our reality. In simpler terms, NLP includes using simple and strategic scientifically-based techniques and strategies to support change in our lives. It allows us to reprogram our minds so that our thoughts, words, and actions are aligned with our goals + desires. When we become aware of the power of our minds, we can consciously uncreate unproductive patterns and consciously create the lives we desire.

  • Meditation


    Meditation is a powerful way to release stress. Vedic meditation uses a Mantra, a seed, to anchor the mind so that the body can more deeply relax. A 20 minute meditation has powerful benefits for the body and mind.

    Meditation allows us to get out of the mind and connects us back into our bodies through our breath. We can access our deeper truth, wisdom, clarity, and intuition when we meditate. It helps us to feel more grounded, connected, and focused in our lives. This powerful technique is simple and impactful.

  • Human Design


    Human Design is a system that provides a framework to better understand yourself, your patterns, strengths, and personality. It is a compilation of Quantum Physics, The Kabbalah, The I-Ching, The Hindu Chakra System, Astrology, and Genetics. Human Design is a powerful way to help us discover and remember who we are meant to be. It reveals our energy and strategy so that we can live more in alignment and experience our power and live our purpose. Knowing your human design enhances your relationships, aligns you with our innate gifts, supports you in raising your children, and provide business clarity and insight.

    The more we understand ourselves, the more we can become our fullest potential. Instead of continually encountering similar blocks and challenges, Human Design allows you to see the challenges in a new light so that you can learn the lessons and shift your focus, optimizing your energy and strategy.