My Journal

A compilation of writings to support, inform, + inspire you on your Wellness Journey!

My intention is to merge the scientific and the spiritual to create a balance of and place for both. They work synergistically together to provide a deeper and more comprehensive meaning to life. I aim to provide science and experience-based information that I’ve learned through my formal education, certification and training programs, as well as personal lived-experience. I share wellness tips, information, and lifestyle inspiration so that you can live a beautiful life that you love and create radiant health! I encourage you to feel into your body — find what truly resonates with you and trust your truth. There is no “one” right way, only your way. This information and content is here to support you in finding your way as you heal your body, reclaim your health, power, and your life!

Wherever you are on your wellness journey, I would love to support you, sparing you the time, confusion, and energy of filtering through conflicting and confusing information to find what aligns + works for you.

Anna Finck Anna Finck

Holding a Vision of Renewal Amidst the Fires in LA

Wherever you are, and whatever emotions these challenging times are stirring within you, please know that you are held in loving support and not alone. Transformation, like the fires burning around LA, can bring both destruction and renewal. It's a time for deep breaths and a gentle reminder that even in the face of adversity, our inner strength and resilience can guide us through.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

From Intention to Creation: Designing Your Year with Purpose

As the New Year unfolds, I find myself reflecting on the continuous cycle of endings and beginnings. With each ending comes a letting go—of past identities, old patterns, and outdated beliefs—to make space for the new. I used to set intentions for the New Year, but I found a more powerful approach: living my year with a specific context.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

2025: Embracing Completion and Stepping into New Beginnings

In numerology, 2025 (2+0+2+5=9) is a year of profound transformation. Nine symbolizes the culmination of a journey, a time to release outdated beliefs and embrace our true potential. 2025 is a powerful year calling us to focus on devotion to our purpose and humanity.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

The Magic of the Holidays

The true essence of this holiday is to reconnect to the power of your presence rather than the actual giving of presents. Your presence is the most powerful gift you can offer. In the midst of the holiday festivities may you remember and feel the power of your presence and the presence of those you love. Everything changes when we are truly present with ourselves and others, we live fully connected to the body and the senses rather distracted by the mind. 

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

YOU are the alchemist.

This December, the context I set was alchemy, a magical art of transformation, has always captivated me. This year has been full of profound shifts and growth, a true alchemical process of remembering and embodying my very essence. December feels the culmination point of it all. It's the process of taking the ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, much like the journey of life we are all on. This year, I've witnessed firsthand the power of alchemy to create something new and beautiful from the ashes of the old.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

Write your story for YOU.

Words come together to create a story. The energetics of the words create an energetic impact that is felt by you as you tell the story and felt by others as they listen to and receive the story. Our stories don't mean anything until we assign them meaning, and the lens we carry creates the meaning. The stories you tell influence the way you think, feel, and behave. Ultimately, our stories shape our reality and become our life. If you realize that you don't love the story you're telling or the life you're living remember that you have the power to change it.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

Beyond Biohacking: An Embodied Experience

Biohacking often conjures up images of high-tech gadgets, extreme diets, and superhuman feats. But true biohacking, the kind that creates lasting transformation, begins within. Embodied biohacking is about tuning in to the subtle whispers of your body, recognizing the interconnectedness of the physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements of wellness within you. It's about honoring your unique rhythm and harnessing the power of nature to elevate your well-being.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

Gratitude: a frequency beyond words

Gratitude carries an energetic frequency of 540 MHz, equivalent to the frequency of Love. Gratitude and Love are the highest vibrational frequencies we can experience as humans. The frequency of gratitude impacts us physically, energetically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

Life by Default | Life by Design

The majority of the world lives life by default. Most are unaware that there is another way to live. We've been conditioned to believe there is only one way to be, do, and live. This is untrue. The one way is YOUR way. The more you understand yourself and your unique design, the more you begin to live your life by design, creating what is true for you. 

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

A Hidden Force Impacting your Health: EMFs 

In today's technological age, we are constantly surrounded by a hidden force is impacting our health in ways we might not realize. This hidden force is electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Even if you are someone who is aware of the impact of EMF and minimizes your exposure and use of electronic devices, you are still exposed and impacted.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

Planning Your Month Intentionally

One thing I always love doing is to spend time at the end of each month reflecting on all that I have experienced: the memories, adventures, lessons, accomplishments, programs, and connections. I find that this reflection in hindsight integrates wisdom, clarifies my truth, and conjures gratitude. It truly is amazing to reflect on our lives one month at a time. A month can feel like a blink in time, but when we begin to live more intentionally it is astounding how much we can create and accomplish within this time. Reflecting on the month guides your focus, energy, and intention for the month to follow. It is a cyclical process that when established creates unshakable confidence and monumental momentum. A strong ending begins with a strong beginning. 

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

Your Future Self is Created Now

Your Future Self, Magnetic Self, or Highest Self — whatever language you prefer to use — is always available to you. Your future self is always guiding you, consciously or unconsciously. There are two frequencies of the future self: the high frequency and the low frequency.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

Immune Support 101

Your health is your greatest asset. Unfortunately, many of us don't realize this nor value our health until we experience an illness. It is in the absence of it that we begin to recognize its value. Your immune system is the foundation for healing and creating radiant health. We are unknowingly exposed to pathogens every day – through the food we eat, surfaces we touch, people we connect with, and air we breathe. Pathogens (viruses and bacteria) compromise our health in more ways than we realize. Therefore, it is imperative that we take aligned action to strengthen our immune system and support our health.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

Who You are Being Informs What You are Doing.

But who you are being while you do what you're doing matters most as that ripple effect is extraordinary. When you align who you are being with the identity you desire your doing becomes more effective and aligned. Your being precedes the doing. 

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

The Journey: Here to There

The journey from Here to There is one of evolution. In essence, it is the journey of becoming who you are meant to me. Trust the journey. Commit to the journey. The journey is a process, an evolution. One that invites you to evolve. 

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

The Power of a Plant-Based Lifestyle: My Journey to Radiant Health

We actually eat a lot more protein than we realize... I often ask people what do the largest land mammals eat?! They eat grass, leaves, plants… Leafy greens contain the highest concentration of bioavailable protein— they are abundant in amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Not only do we get protein from leafy greens but vegetables + fruits. In truth these amino acids are more easily digested + assimilated in the body as the liver is better able to use them to create the protein structures the body actually requires.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

Equinox: Endings | Beginnings

Nature exquisitely reminds us that endings are simply beginnings as we constantly transition and evolve. The only constant is change, and the only certainty is uncertainty. Nature is in constant flux, as are we. This universal law of change is something we humans often resist.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

Boost Your Energy by Supporting Your Adrenal Health

Adrenal Fatigue is not commonly recognized in the conventional medical system, in fact it is claimed to be a medical myth. It is either said you are fine or have Addison's, both on opposite ends of the “adrenal health” spectrum. However, this is untrue and it is more important than ever to recognize and prioritize adrenal health. A vast majority of people are experiencing some form of taxed adrenals, with symptoms ranging from subtle to severe. 

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

Eating Organic Food is ESSENTIAL for your reproductive health + fertility

Organic matters, ESPECIALLY if you are experiencing reproductive health issues, or any health issues for that matter, and want to enhance your fertility. Pesticides are commonly used in agriculture to protect crops from pests, but their residues can linger on the food we eat and the environment, posing significant risks to our reproductive health and the health of our unborn children.

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Anna Finck Anna Finck

Embracing the Journey of Becoming

The path of personal growth isn’t about becoming “more” but about amplifying what already exists within you. It’s a remembering—a remembering of who you are and always have been, and a letting go of who you are not. Personal growth is a journey of remembering: remembering your power, your truth, and who you are meant to be.

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