Embracing the Journey of Becoming
For too long, I’ve kept a part of myself hidden away—the philosophical, artistic, and creative side that loves solitude and contemplation. I want to embrace and share more of this part of me with you. I’ve always believed that health symptoms, conditions, and illnesses are not our fault; we did not manifest them. I do recognize that our actions, thoughts, and choices do influence them but know that they are not the cause. It’s the prevalence of the symptoms, conditions, and illnesses that distract us from the depth and truth of who we are, disconnecting us from the power within.
I've always sensed that there was more—more health, more joy, more life to experience. This belief has become a cornerstone of my work in Embodied Wellness. My own health challenges ignited a profound journey of growth and understanding that I never imagined possible. I discovered that creating radiant health was my path to “more.” As I healed my physical body, I began to experience the spiritual. I’ve witnessed this time and again: as people heal and reclaim their health, they remember their power and rise into their potential. This can ignite an incredibly transformational journey, if you’re ready.
It’s easy to feel unworthy—a belief many of us have been conditioned to accept, yet it’s entirely untrue. We are worthy simply because we exist. It’s time to remember this truth. We spend so much time trying to prove our worth—to be seen, validated, and recognized. But becoming who you are meant to be begins with the foundation of knowing you are enough. It begins with you.
When I first embarked on the path of personal development, it was from a place of low self-worth, feeling inadequate and broken. I was driven to “fix” myself and be better. What I’ve since discovered is that personal growth and development aren’t about fixing from a place of lack or inadequacy. When we focus on our perceived flaws, our growth journey becomes an endless quest of “fixing.” We chase the idea of more from a fear-based place, believing that learning, fixing, or doing more will quell the discomfort within. But this is an illusion.
The path of personal growth isn’t about becoming “more” but about amplifying what already exists within you. It’s a remembering—a remembering of who you are and always have been, and a letting go of who you are not. Personal growth is a journey of remembering: remembering your power, your truth, and who you are meant to be. This version of you has always been within you—it’s time to remember.
While many refer to personal growth as personal discovery, for me, it’s about reconnecting with and understanding myself. It’s not about adding more; it’s about letting go. It’s not about doing more; it’s about being more authentic.
Some have told me I’m selfish for doing this work, and some may hold that perception. But for me, this is the most foundational aspect of my path of service. The more I heal and understand myself, the more I can help others heal and understand themselves. We spend so much energy seeking to be understood by others, yet we often don’t prioritize deepening our understanding of ourselves. The truth is, we can only be understood by others to the extent that we understand ourselves. This work is foundational and impacts every aspect of our lives—health, relationships, career, and more.
As someone on the path to becoming who you are meant to be, know that you are the one who knows. Trust yourself, trust your timing, and trust your process. You can’t rush your journey—it is the masterpiece of your lifetime. Remember who you are, and remember that where you are now does not determine where you’ll go, though it plays an important part in your growth and becoming.
Here’s to your remembering + becoming!