From Intention to Creation: Designing Your Year with Purpose
As the New Year unfolds, I find myself reflecting on the continuous cycle of endings and beginnings. With each ending comes a letting go—of past identities, old patterns, and outdated beliefs—to make space for the new. I used to set intentions for the New Year, but I found a more powerful approach: living my year with a specific context.
Your Year in Context
When you look ahead and plan for the year, connect it to the larger context of your life. Each moment, experienced as "now," builds upon the last and contributes to the beautiful, meaningful life you are creating. This year matters just as much as any other. By connecting to this broader context, you bring more awareness and presence to each day.
The Power of Context
Creating a context for your year infuses each moment with presence, intention, and care. It becomes a filter through which you make decisions, plan, and live. It's a foundation for your year, supporting your growth and evolution. Last year, my context was "Becoming Anna Finck," which served me profoundly. This year, I'm layering it with a new context: Creation.
My Context for 2025: Creation
I recently completed a deep, transformational 7-year journey—my "Personalized PhD Program." This experience brought profound growth, healing, and reconnection to my true purpose. Now, it's time to embrace creation. I'm overflowing with wisdom, knowledge, and insights, ready to be expressed.
Creation in Action
Viewing 2025 through the lens of Creation, I see its transformational power in every area of my life. It symbolizes reclaiming my power as the creator of my reality. I'm embracing the responsibility that comes with recognizing how my thoughts and actions shape my life.
Here's what I plan to create this year:
I'm consciously creating the life, business, and love of my dreams. Creation is unique to each individual; it's an extension and expression of our authentic selves. It holds endless, limitless potential.
Artistry + Creation
I'm also discovering my inner artist. I'm embracing my creativity and expressing it more fully. This year, I'm stepping into my era of artistry, exploring ceramics, continuing a piano masterclass, and practicing voice. These pursuits engage my mind and heart in profound ways.
Creation | Reaction
It is interesting to consider that “creation” and “reaction” contain the same letters. We live our lives in either creation or reaction. Creation connects us to our power; reaction disconnects us. How we create our year influences how we create our lives. This is the power of designing a life you love.
Contemplations for You:
What memories do you want to create this year?
What context are you setting for yourself in 2025?
Does this context support who you are becoming?
How will you live your life in alignment with this context?
I am excited for what 2025 will bring. It is time for us to reclaim our power to create the lives we desire!