Equinox: Endings | Beginnings

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.” — Lucius Annaeus Seneca

As I sit to write this it is Sunday September 22, 2024, The Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Seated outside under the blue New Mexico Sky, painted with cumulus clouds, I feel the gentle rays of sun on my skin and the soft caress of the breeze on my face. I am reminded of the sweetness of the simplicity and intricacy within the beauty of nature. 

Nature: The Ultimate Teacher

Nature is our best teacher. There are seasons and cycles in all aspects of life. With the transition of the season I am invited into contemplation and reflection. There is something bittersweet about it. There is a feeling of gratitude for the beauty of summer experienced and also the anticipation of the crisp Fall weather, cozy sweaters, and evenings tucked inside… The temporal nature of the seasons reminds me of the fleeting nature of moments in our lives. In the end our lives become a string of memories — the most poignant being the ones connected to a theme and context that conjure emotion. Nature exquisitely reminds us that endings are simply beginnings as we constantly transition and evolve. The only constant is change, and the only certainty is uncertainty. Nature is in constant flux, as are we. This universal law of change is something we humans often resist.


Endings: A Mere Illusion

What if ‘endings’ were not endings at all, but an illusion? All that is simply evolves and transitions. Nature navigates its transitions through a series of seasons, phases, and cycles. How would you begin to live your life if you perceived ‘endings’ as transitions? As Wayne Dyer said “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” 


The Power of Transitions

The caterpillar's transformation into the butterfly is one of the most profound analogies of transition. It appears the caterpillar's life is ‘ending’ when it tucks itself away into the cocoon where it will soon become goop. Yet within the goop the imaginal cells are activators of this pivotal transitional phase. The cocoon is transitory, not permanent, it leads to the greatest transformation. It is what allows the caterpillar to emerge as a butterfly. This is the power of transitions.


Fall: A time of letting go | A time of slowing down.

For me, fall is about saying "no" to more, being intentional with my energy, and devoting my time to what truly matters. Fall encapsulates both beginnings and endings – a dance and duality of life. Each season brings its own meaning, and the way we interpret these seasons shapes our perspectives, stories, and identities. Fall invites us to soften, to trust, and to let go. Letting go can be challenging, especially for those who desire control, but it is essential for making space for the new.


As I reflect on my life, I see a series of beginnings and endings coalescing in time. In fall, we are invited to let go; to create space for new possibilities. The Law of Vacuum states that the Universe abhors a vacuum; thus, any space created will be filled. We cannot experience more if we do not first create space for it.


Challenges Cultivate Courage + Strength

During this intense time of duality, contrast, change, and challenge, we are collectively and individually stretched to hold more. While we desire more, we must first be able to hold more. This season may be a time of tests, leading to our deepest desires and dreams. The key question to contemplate is: Can we find the value in the challenges we are experiencing?


While we may not love or feel grateful for hard moments, hindsight often reveals how they strengthen and wisen us. Remember the butterfly, it is in the cocoon where the magic unfolds. We cannot skip this transformational transition. If we leverage this knowing in the moment, we might soften and embrace our current challenges. Like the seasons, they will change, serve a purpose, and impart deep lessons. 

Seasons | Themes

Each season has a unique theme. Living with intention and connecting to an aligned theme for a season can create incredible transformations and breakthroughs. Connection is the thread that weaves our life together. Intentional connections to themes bring more meaning to our lives, allowing us to see beauty and magic in the mundane. 


Tip: At the change of seasons, our adrenals release excess adrenaline. If you've been feeling heightened stress or anxiety, this may be a factor. As mentioned in my last email on adrenal health, nourish your adrenals and rest. Nature is inviting us to slow down; to nourish our body, mind, and soul.


If you're anything like me you love to contemplate and journal, so I thought I would share a few reflective questions for you as you navigate this season in your life. 



~ What are you letting go of at this phase in your life?

~ What actions align with the next level version of yourself?

~ How can you connect more deeply during this time of transition?

~ What if this perceived ‘ending’ is the greatest beginning yet? 


Instead of seeing endings as something terrible, we have the power to recognize they are illusory. There are merely transitions: a gateway to more, something new, something true. This reframing of endings + beginnings has the power to change how you see, approach, and live your life. 


Remember, that this transition you're navigating is a doorway leading to your next evolution, it is a beautiful part of your becoming. This is time of transition and creation. This is the beginning of an extraordinary chapter in the masterpiece of your life! I cannot wait to hear your stories.  


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