The Power of a Plant-Based Lifestyle: My Journey to Radiant Health

One of the most common questions I get when people learn that I live a plant-based lifestyle (meaning I don’t consume animal products) is: “Where do you get your protein?!” Their concern often comes with the well-meaning advice, “You need to eat more protein…” Early in my journey, this question left me feeling awkward, disempowered, and insecure about my lifestyle choices.

The Transformative Power of Plant-Based Living

In truth, my health, energy, and fitness levels are a testament to my decision to adopt a plant-based lifestyle. I feel stronger, healthier, and fitter than ever before! Initially, I couldn't imagine that such levels of health, energy, and vitality were possible. I was taught, like many others, that the symptoms I experienced were “normal” and something I had to live with. But just because symptoms are common does not mean they are normal. Our society's health standards are unfortunately low. It's time we raise them and become aware of the truth.

Living a plant-based lifestyle has completely reclaimed, transformed, and elevated my health. Chronic symptoms I had dealt with for years—hypothalamic amenorrhea (loss of menstruation), adrenal fatigue, hyperthyroidism, chronic fatigue, hormone imbalances, chronic acne, tonsil stones, recurring strep throats, cavities, TMJ, bloody noses, migraines, PMS symptoms, bloating, constipation, to name some—healed. My energy levels skyrocketed, sleep improved, and my periods became healthy, vibrant, and pain-free. I was amazed at my body’s ability to recover and grow stronger. I realized that when nourished properly and given the right support, the body will heal. That is the power of health-promoting foods, specifically whole plant-based foods. The more I nourish my body with whole plant-based foods, the better I feel.

Debunking the Protein Myth

Protein has been hugely emphasized in the fitness, nutrition, and medical worlds, with these beliefs widely conveyed by the media. I, too, once believed these “truths” and lived by them for many years, only to realize the detrimental impact they had on my health. As an athlete, I was particularly focused on getting the proper amount of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat). However, I later learned that there is a HUGE misunderstanding of these macronutrients.

We’ve been conditioned to focus heavily on protein, becoming overly concerned with getting “enough” while missing out on critical nutrients needed for health and muscle building. The muscle we build when consuming a high animal protein diet is not lean muscle. We’re told, “carbs are bad,” leading us to avoid them without realizing the nutritional difference between processed and clean carbohydrates. The body requires an abundance of critical clean carbohydrates (fruits and vegetables) as glucose is the body’s primary energy source. AND it is actually the glucose from these plant-based fruits and vegetables that build the glycogen stores in the body, which build lean muscle.

The Truth About Protein Sources

There are many misconceptions about protein. Many studies promoting the importance of animal protein are funded by meat and dairy companies, which skew results to promote their interests. Animal protein contains high levels of fat, burdening the liver, clogging the lymphatic system, and thickening the blood. To compensate, the adrenal glands secrete adrenaline, which thins the blood and eases the heart's workload. Additionally, fat is harder to digest and prevents glucose uptake into cells, creating insulin resistance and acidity in the body. This acidity allows pathogens to thrive and weakens bones and teeth. The body maintains a neutral pH balance by extracting minerals from bones and teeth to buffer excess acidity.

Protein is overemphasized and misunderstood. We actually consume more protein than we realize. Think about this: “What do the largest land mammals eat?” They thrive on grass, leaves, and plants. Leafy greens, abundant in amino acids (the building blocks of protein), contain high concentrations of bioavailable protein, which the liver easily uses. It is able to then synthesize the proteins the body actually needs to heal and thrive. Not only do we get protein from leafy greens, but also from vegetables and fruits. Many animal proteins are not bioavailable and are not fully absorbed or utilized by the body, leading to excess waste that the body must excrete, sometimes resulting in intestinal putrefaction, which can result in digestive issues. This process produces ammonia gas, further eroding bones and teeth and increasing acidity in the body. Animal protein, regardless of how the animal was slaughtered, is an adrenalized food, meaning it contains high concentrations of adrenaline, which flood our systems as tertiary consumers.

Discovering the Truth

In a sea of information and misinformation, it’s essential to discover the truth to take aligned action and reclaim our health. For me, embracing a plant-based lifestyle revealed the power truly lies in plants.

Plant-Based Protein Sources:

- Spirulina

- Leafy Greens: spinach, lettuce, kale, etc.

- Barley Grass Juice Powder

- Vegetables: brussels sprouts, broccoli

- Legumes: beans, lentils, chickpeas

- Nuts and Seeds (contain a high fat content)

Embrace the Power of Plants

By sharing my journey, my hope is to inspire you to explore the incredible benefits of a plant-based lifestyle. Your health, energy, and overall well-being can reach new heights by embracing the power of plants. Let's raise our health standards together and unlock the potential that lies within a plant-powered life.


Eating Organic Food is ESSENTIAL for your reproductive health + fertility