Gratitude: a frequency beyond words

Have you ever paused to truly appreciate the beauty that surrounds you each day? In the whirlwind of life, it can be easy to get caught up in the to-do lists and forget the simple joys that make life so extraordinary. Today, I want to delve into the transformative power of gratitude and how it can illuminate your path forward. 


Thanks | Giving

With the arrival of Thanksgiving we are encouraged to be thankful and reflect on all that we have; giving thanks for what we have, those in our lives, who we are, the food, this life, literally anything and EVERYTHING. Gratitude is the essence of this Holiday. However, gratitude is so much more than a holiday or a season. True gratitude is a way of life. It touches every aspect of our lives and has the power to change our lives if we let ourselves to deeply feel and embody it. Regardless of what we perceive we lack and regardless of our current circumstances, there is always something for which we can feel grateful. 

The Forgetting: The Gap

How often do you take time to focus on and appreciate all that you have? We've been conditioned to focus on what we want and don't yet have, that we forget to acknowledge what we already have. This forgetting creates a gap, rooted in lack. Gratitude cannot exist in the gap; however, it can fill the gap. Remember, that at some point you wanted everything you currently have, you are that powerful. Yet, we often take what we have for granted. This is part of the growth oriented nature of humans; when we receive that which we wanted and desired we shift our focus to the next desire. Growth is inherent in our lives, we are constantly growing. As we grow, so too, do our desires. Gratitude for what we have means we value and appreciate it not just when we first acquire it, but now and always. True gratitude is feeling grateful for all that we already have while desiring more.


Gratitude: a frequency beyond

Gratitude carries an energetic frequency of 540 MHz, equivalent to the frequency of Love. Gratitude and Love are the highest vibrational frequencies we can experience as humans. The frequency of gratitude impacts us physically, energetically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Gratitude has been widely promoted in the world today, which is amazing. Unfortunately, it has been misrepresented and is conveyed in a superficial manner that lacks depth and truth. As my mentor Melanie says “the frequency of truth is the strongest frequency on Earth.” True gratitude resonates on the frequency of truth, it is an embodied state of gratitude. Mainstream gratitude feels more like acknowledgement. The intention of gratitude is to fully experience and embody the frequency of gratitude, not just think about it. 


Gratitude: more than a list 

Gratitude is more than a list of what you're grateful for. Gratitude journaling has spread into the mainstream, and with that its pure intention and impact has changed… Gratitude doesn't exist in thought alone. Gratitude is a feeling, and feelings are designed to be felt and experienced. Writing a list for all that you feel grateful for doesn't do anything if you don't actually feel the frequency of gratitude for everything on your list. Our focus is everything when it comes to gratitude. “What we focus on expands,” so if we see only what we perceive we ‘lack,’ we won't conjure the feelings of gratitude.


Gratitude: the key to abundance

Gratitude compounds, the more you appreciate what you have, the more there is to appreciate. Feeling gratitude changes your energetic frequency and increases your magnetism. The universe responds to this frequency shift and thus sends you more to appreciate and feel gratitude toward. As you cultivate gratitude, you'll find that it illuminates your path forward. It helps you appreciate the journey, even when the desired destination feels far away. In the end, the true purpose of life is the journey. Gratitude shines light on the good despite the challenges and the strength to overcome them. Remember, gratitude is a choice. It's a conscious decision to focus on what you have, appreciating the abundance in your life. “Where your focus goes, your energy flows [and you create more of that].” It's time to embrace the power of gratitude and experience your life transform into the masterpiece it is designed to be. 


Simple Ways to Cultivate Gratitude

Keep a Gratitude Journal: Take a few moments each day to write about the things you're grateful for and give yourself space to feel the frequency of gratitude in your body. It could be the warmth of the sun on your skin, the breath you breathe, or the space you live.

Express Your Appreciation: Tell the people in your life how much you value them. A simple "thank you" or a heartfelt letter deepens connection, love, and joy.

Practice Mindfulness: Take time to savor the moment. Notice the beauty present in each day, whether it's a vibrant sunset, the trees, or your favorite food.

Transform Challenges into Opportunities: Begin to see obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning. Even in challenging times, there is always something to alchemize and be grateful for.

Celebrate Your Achievements: Recognize and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. See how far you've come and how much you have grown, you'll be amazed! 



What is something in your life that you are truly grateful for?

How does it feel in your body to experience the true frequency of gratitude? 

Who are you grateful for in your life? Bring that person to your mind's eye and conjure the feeling of gratitude. Send them gratitude and love.

How will you begin to anchor in gratitude to your life daily?


If you are someone who feels resistance toward gratitude or experiences a disconnect in feeling true gratitude, think about what life would be life without something you have. Then reconnect to the experience of having it and see if you can amplify that feeling, that is gratitude. 


I want to thank you for being part of my world. Thank you for your presence and support. I am beyond grateful for you! 


Beyond Biohacking: An Embodied Experience


Life by Default | Life by Design