Life by Default | Life by Design
⠀⠀⠀What a powerful time we are in. Have you been feeling it all lately? Have you been wondering if you are on path, whether what you're doing is ‘working,’ or how you're currently living is truly aligned with the life you desire?
A Should-Based Life
I want to take you back in time with me and share about a realization I had that powerfully changed the way I was living my life. In 2019 I found myself going through the motions of my life, feeling aimless and purposeless. I realized I had been living a should-based life, doing what was expected of me rather than a desire-based life, doing what I truly wanted. I compared myself to others and did what everyone else was doing as I believed it was what I should also do. I spent most of my life in a formulaic way, checking the boxes, following the rules, and trying to conform to the conventional way of life. Yet I felt dissatisfied, empty, and frustrated. The said formula for ‘success’ and ‘happiness’ wasn't working for me… I believed there was something wrong with me, rather than seeing it as a reflection of the system.
Life by Default
One of the most intriguing and powerful contemplations I have had came from this realization that I had been living a should-based life. It was undeniable that I had been living my life by default. Life by default is conventional, it is the way most live. I felt like my life was not my own, I was set on following the one standard way…I was living for others rather than living for me. This led me to deepen my understanding of myself and I discovered Human Design. Human Design is a powerful scientific and spiritual tool that provides a blueprint for who we came here to be. I became aware that there was another way to live: a life by design. I became obsessed with Human Design and set out on a mission to begin living my life by design rather than conforming to a life by default.
Life by Design
I wasn't sure what life by design looked like, I only imagined what it felt like. I knew it completely contrasted how I had been living and I was determined to explore this contemplation more deeply. Life by Design is not what is taught, promoted, nor encouraged. Life by Design is desire-based. It is soulful and heart-led rather than practical and logical. Life by design is unique, creative, and artistic. It is about fulfilling your true purpose and unlocking your limitless potential. Life by Design is unconventional and it requires strength, courage, and self-trust. I had always been unconventional and paved new paths throughout my life. Yet, living my Life by Design felt different as I was used to external validation that Life by Default rewarded. However, Life by Design has been the most fulfilling and meaningful path. I discovered that Life by Design allows us to create, curate, and live our own way.
Your Way is THE Way
The majority of the world lives life by default. Most are unaware that there is another way to live. We've been conditioned to believe there is only one way to be, do, and live. This is untrue. The one way is YOUR way. The more you understand yourself and your unique design, the more you begin to live your life by design, creating what is true for you.
Awareness is a powerful catalyst for change and transformation. We cannot change anything we cannot see. The intention of this note is to inspire awareness in you. Life by Default works for some, but not for most. This is the time to change, to rise, and to create a new era of living. The change begins with you and me. When we change our way of being, doing, and living from default to design, we inspire and ignite transformation in others, which ripples out and impacts collective change.
How have you been living; by default or by design?
How do you feel about the way you have been living?
What are the areas in your life you feel the most satisfaction, peace, success, and joy?
What are some ways you can begin to live by design and infuse your life with more intentionality and artistry?
Your life is yours to design, create, and live. The choice is yours.
A Design Experience to help you align and life your life by design is coming soon…