How I got my period back after nearly 3 years…

Women’s reproductive health is not widely discussed, and I believe that needs to change. We are living in a world that contains many environmental stressors and toxins that have huge unspoken impact on our health and wellbeing. Women’s bodies and systems are especially sensitive to the environmental stressors and toxins. And they greatly impact our reproductive health. 

Four years ago I was diagnosed with Hypothalmic Amenorrhea. I hadn’t even heard of it before…Curious to learn more I went to do some research, but I wasn’t able to find many scientific articles about it. It was probably more common than it was publicly share online. Based on what information I did find, it seemed like those who commonly experienced Hypothalmic Amenorrhea were either: 1. Under-eating 2. Over-exercising and/or 3. Extremely stressed. Before this time I had become more self-conscious and had begun to limit my food intake as I feared gaining weight because I believed I wouldn’t be lovable (food + body image issues that stemmed from childhood). I had also started exercising more intensely to avoid weight gain and deal with the intense stress I was experiencing… 

But when I lost my period I started eating more and exercising less. And still my period did not come back. Stress was the biggest cause. No matter what I did to try to “fix” it and get it back only created more stress. I became obsessive with “fixing;” doing everything perfectly to heal myself… Sounds stressful right? I was creating the opposite of the intended effect. My body was so stressed and my Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) (fight/flight response) was so activated that my reproductive system shutdown. Because there was a constant perceived threat in my body reproduction was not the priority. The body is so incredibly intelligent and beautifully designed. My doctor wanted to put me on synthetic hormones. But I declined. I knew there was a better more sustainable way.
I had to reevaluate the way I’d been living my life. I knew I had to find a more easeful and less stressful way to live. And that’s what I did. I committed to learning all I could about Hypothalamic Amenorrhea and ways to support my female reproductive health. It started with food and nutrition, then blossomed into other ways to balance my mind and reduce stress through meditation and embodiment practices. Through my journey I found Ayurveda (India’s medical system that dates back 5,000 years) and started eating in ways to balance my health through Vata pacifying foods, exercises, and practices… I tried traditional Chinese medicine: acupuncture and herbs. I found Medical Medium’s information and I started drinking 16 ounces of celery juice daily. I also detoxed my life from conventional chemicals that impact the endocrine and reproductive systems and began using essential oils to support my body and clean my surroundings. At this point I had already transitioned to a Whole Foods Plant-Based diet and was eating more fertility supportive foods. I was meditating twice a day…and still my period had not returned…I then knew it was time to try something else. 

So upon seeing an energy healer she invited me to ask my body what it needed to heal… “Hmm this is strange” I thought…but I tried it. And I received a loud and clear answer: BREATH. After another year of breath, celery juice, plant-based foods, meditation, and womb healing my period returned! I was so disconnected from my body and this was the biggest lesson and journey back to myself and my body. 

The quality of your reproductive health is simply your body’s way of letting you know if there is an imbalance in your body. Your journey to healing will be different than mine, but what I can offer is hope. You can heal. Your body is ready to heal. Are you ready to listen to and trust your body?

A few practices that may resonate with you to support you and your reproductive health:

  • Meditation

  • Breathwork

  • Celery Juice

  • Fertility Foods

  • Womb Work 

So whether you’re experiencing reproductive health issues or some other type of health challenges, know that you can and will heal. It takes time, patience, and perseverance. I am here if you need support and a more personalized approach for your health journey! 


Supplements I Swear By


My Relationship with Food