Immune Support 101
I hope this finds you happy and healthy! Know that your health is your greatest asset. Unfortunately, many of us don't realize this nor value our health until we experience an illness. It is in the absence of it that we begin to recognize its value. What I am most passionate is about helping you reconnect to your body so that you recognize the value of your health before you don't have it. I believe preventive care is essential. We are currently in “flu season” so now is the time more than ever to strengthen your immune system and take aligned actions to prevent illness. Your immune system is the foundation for healing and creating radiant health.
Curious Immune System Facts
Something curious to know is that men have more robust immune systems than women, and this relates to the variance in our hormone cycles. Men have a consistent 24 hour hormone cycle while women have an approximately 28 day cycle that leads to a fluctuation of our immune system strength. During menstruation, the immune system is lowered by 80% and during ovulation it is lowered by 40%. More women than men experience chronic illness and ‘autoimmune conditions’ for this reason. Immune health is especially vital to prioritize for women’s overall, reproductive, and fertility health!
I used to suffer from frequent colds and illnesses due to a weakened immune system and a lifestyle that did not support radiant health. Today my immune system strength and health are truly a testament to my lifestyle. And that begins with a strong foundation of health promoting foods. We are unknowingly exposed to pathogens every day – through the food we eat, surfaces we touch, people we connect with, and air we breathe. Pathogens (viruses and bacteria) compromise our health in more ways than we realize.
Truth Heals
The more we know the truth, the more we can take aligned action to heal and reclaim our health. My desire is that you not just heal and prevent illness, but that you thrive in your life despite the odds and exponential rise of chronic illness. The more you heal and create radiant health the more you can support and inspire others. There are certain foods that fuel pathogens and others that hinder pathogens and strengthen the immune system. I felt it was timely and appropriate to share some foundational foods, supplements, and tips to support you as you navigate this season we are in!
Foods to Avoid when Experiencing Symptoms or Illness:
These foods are health hindering, especially when you have a high pathogenic load in your body. They feed pathogens, thus strengthening them and perpetuating symptoms, conditions, and/or illness.
Eggs — one of the top foods that feeds pathogens and contributes to the progression of symptoms, conditions, and illness. Eggs contain a high fat content which prevents cleansing and clogs the lymphatic system.
Dairy — feeds pathogens that cause health symptoms, conditions, and illnesses. It also creates acidity in the body which is the ideal environment in which pathogens thrive.
Gluten — feeds Streptococcus bacteria and other viruses, promotes inflammation, and can cause digestive distress.
Immune Supporting Foods:
These foods are health promoting and create an alkaline environment in the body, one that inhibits the survival of pathogens. These foods also possess cleansing and immune enhancing properties making them ideal to incorporate into your life daily.
Fruit — the most healing food on the planet that fortifies the immune system and alkalizes the body. Fruits are incredibly healing, cleansing, and detoxifying. A nonnegotiable if you want to heal and prevent symptoms, conditions, and or illness.
Garlic — a powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral that strengthens the immune system, and prevents the proliferation of pathogens. It also contains anti-mucus properties
Leafy Greens — contain the most bioavailable and assimilable form of protein, they are rich in antioxidants and help remove toxins from the liver and lymphatic system.
Veggies — veggies are powerful detoxifiers, they contain essential minerals and nutrients that nourish the body on a cellular level and provide support for the systems of the body.
Onions — antiviral and antibacterial they defend the body against pathogens and work to destroy and eliminate the pathogens.
Hydration is essential as it maintains a healthy viscosity of the blood. When the body is dehydrated, the blood thickens, making cleansing and elimination of toxins and pathogens more challenging.
Celery Juice — antiviral and antibacterial it supports the elimination of pathogens, strengthens the immune system, and cleanses the lymph and liver. This is the ultimate immune support.
Lemon Water —helps to detoxify the liver, cleanse the lymphatic system, flush pathogens out of the body, and hydrate the body on a cellular level.
Rose Hip Tea — purifies the blood, nourishes the lymphatic system, strengthens the immune system. Rose Hips contain a greater concentration of Vitamin C than oranges.
Immune Supporting Supplements:
Supplements are essential and can make the difference between health and illness as they provide critical nutrients we may not otherwise obtain from our diet. The below supplements will fortify your immune system and provide a myriad of other benefits for your body!
Cat's Claw — a powerful anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial herb that supports the body’s immune system. It is one of the most powerful defenders against Strep bacteria.
L-Lysine — one of the most powerful antivirals that supports the inhibits the propagation of viruses and minimizes viral load. It possesses anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties, making it an essential supplement to incorporate into your daily rituals + routines.
Vitamin C — a potent antioxidant that counteracts the oxidative stress that results from stress. Vitamin C fortifies the immune system and supports the body’s cleansing processes, which is essential to eliminate pathogens.
Zinc — an essential nutrient that our bodies don’t make on their own that we need to get from food and in supplemental form. Zinc strengthens the immune system, neutralizes pathogens, and promotes healing. Zinc deficiencies can be at the root of many illnesses and symptoms.
Raw Honey — Raw Honey has been used for thousands of years as a healing remedy. It is adaptogenic and bolsters the immune system in unmatched ways with its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Have a teaspoon of honey daily to support your immune system. When sick, have a teaspoon every few hours to give your body the extra support. If you'd like you can add raw diced garlic to enhance the potency and efficacy.
Zinc Shock Therapy — Upon first feeling a sore throat, runny nose, headache, or any other symptoms signaling early onset of sickness Zinc Shock Therapy is one of the most effective ways to prevent the propagation of the pathogen and bolster the immune system. This technique alone has stopped viral and bacterial infections in their tracks for me. High Dose a high quality Zinc (I recommend liquid Zinc Sulfate by Vimergy) every few hours to give your immune system the extra support as it defends your body against the pathogens.
I expound on many of the concepts I highlighted above in the 5 part educational series I created called The Foundations if you are interested in learning more see the link here!