Who You are Being Informs What You are Doing.
We are in a time of immense change and often with change comes chaos. When we feel chaos, it is essential to know that order comes through the chaos. Instead of reacting and trying to do more, it is foundational to surrender and to focus on who you are being rather than what you are doing. The impact of your doing when it comes from a calm aligned place ripples out and creates more calm and order. Your energy creates your reality.
Do. Have. Be.
There is a concept I learned called Be. Do. Have, which changed my perspective and influences the way I've been living my life. The majority of the world operates in Do. Have. Be. We’ve been conditioned to believe that we must DO “x” in order to HAVE “y,” so we can BE “z.” We believe that we must work hard and do things a certain way in order to have the success, wealth, and health so we can be happy and ultimately become who we aspire to be. We spend most of our lives working hard and striving for things that we believe will make us feel a certain way, and often we compromise our health when we operate in misalignment. The truth is that often when we live in the Do. Have Be. way, even when we get the thing we continue to be and feel the same way, focusing on the next goal or desire rather than who we get to be. This creates a pattern of constant seeking. This way works, but it is slower and harder. The current hustle culture promotes pushing, forcing, and working harder, not smarter. This way of living and operating leads us to rely on our circumstances to cultivate our personal power and state of being, rather than allowing who we are to naturally inform the circumstances.
Be. Do. Have.
Living in alignment with Be. Do. Have. allows you to harness your personal power and use it to create and have what you desire without giving your power away. The truth is Be. Do. Have. is intimately connected to your identity. When you embrace a new identity the first step is to begin to become that frequency, but most of the world operates in doing mode first, believing that achievements and objectives create the desired identity. Yet it is who you are being that is foundational. When you are stepping into a new identity the fastest way to embracing it is to BE that identity. We have to be it to become it. Begin to think the thoughts this identity thinks, feel the way this identity feels, do the things this identity does etc. This collapses time between who you are and who you are becoming.
For example, when embracing the identity of being a healthy individual you first need to associate yourself as that. To feel it and imagine who you are when you are radiantly health. Then let your being inform your doing. This inspires you to make aligned decisions, take aligned actions that promote health and reinforce the ‘healthy’ identity. Through acting in alignment you create the identity that aligns with your desires.
Your energy creates your reality.
Your energetic frequency literally attracts people, opportunities, and experiences to you. So if you desire radiant health, focus on creating and having health. What you focus on expands, so when you focus on your symptoms and ‘lack’ of health, it just creates more of the same… lack of health and radiance… Focusing on the lack of health disconnects you from your true power to create radiant health while promoting disempowering thoughts and subsequent actions, which reinforce your experience of the ‘lack’ of health. Instead focus on how you are healing and what it FEELS like to be radiantly healthy. It already exists in the quantum field; you just have to attune and align to that energetic frequency so you can become an energetic match for all that you desire. Focus on the power you hold to take your health and healing into your own hands. The more you feel grateful for the health you have while simultaneously connecting to your desires, the more you create it. Working harder and trying to “make” it happen only exhausts you and drains energy. The universe is made up of Energy. So when you align your energy and focus on who you are being, you can take aligned action in an efficient way to create your desired reality. The secret is to be more and do less.
Being Informs the Doing
Who you are being matters as it determines the impact of what you do.What you are doing also matters. Often when we operate in the Do. Have. Be. mode we are focused more on doing, but are we doing the things that actually matter and align? But who you are being while you do what you're doing matters most as that ripple effect is extraordinary. When you align who you are being with the identity you desire your doing becomes more effective and aligned. Your being precedes the doing.
If you Feel Inspired to Contemplate, I'd love to invite you to contemplate:
I. Have you been living your life in accordance with Do. Have. Be. or Be. Do. Have?
II. What is the new identity you are stepping into?
III. Who have you been being and what have you been doing? Are these aligned with the identity you desire to step into?
The time to change and create the health and life you desire is now. It begins with you. It begins with who you are being.