Sacred Sleep
Sleep is not a luxury. Sleep is a necessity. It is sacred and it must be prioritized. It is one of the most powerful ways you can support your health. The quality of your sleep impacts every aspect of your life and has the power to transform your health and wellbeing or destroy it.
Sleep is incredibly widely and well studied, yet still remains elusive. Sleep supports you physically, energetically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Without sleep you cannot function and the body begins to deteriorate at a rapid rate. The effects of sleep deprivation are immediately evident as oxidative damage occurs in real time. Quality sleep strengthens the immune system, boosts focus and creativity, and enhances your mental state and cognitive function. So many regenerative processes like tissue repair, muscle growth, and protein synthesis occur during sleep. Hormones that regulate metabolic function, stress, appetite, growth, and other functions are released while you sleep (Sleep and Health 2008). Additionally, memory consolidation occurs at night whilst you sleep, which allows new knowledge to be learned, integrated, and retained. The liver performs an extensive two-phase detoxification process during the night, which supports deeper healing and detoxification in the body.
Blue light emitted from electronic devices, fluorescent and LED bulbs, and any other source of artificial light disrupts your circadian rhythm. The blue light increases the concentration of cortisol, the stress hormone, and therefore decreases melatonin production in the body. This greatly contributes to sleep issues and hormonal imbalances. Sleep issues allude to a deeper issue and imbalance in the body. Rest assured, regardless of the quality of your sleep, you can experience deep, restful sleep. Whatever sleep issues, challenges, or disorders you experience, know that you can heal and reverse them. By becoming aware of the root cause and incorporating foods, supplements, and products that support deep sleep you will be able to transform the quality of your sleep. The foods you eat impact the quality, quantity and depth of your sleep. The quality of your sleep impacts your physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness and wellbeing. Food and Sleep are foundational elements of healing and creating radiant health.
Food and sleep are intricately connected; simultaneously impacting one another. There are health promoting foods that also support and promote deep quality sleep. Likewise, there are health hindering foods that can compromise and disrupt the quality of your sleep. The quality of your sleep impacts your hormones which then influences your hunger levels and food choices. When you sleep well and wake feeling rested, you make healthier choices throughout the day. Quality sleep leads to a production of leptin, the hunger suppressing hormone that serves to balance hunger cues and support a healthy body weight. Conversely, when you don’t sleep well are sleep deprived you will experience increased levels of cortisol and ghrelin, the hunger hormone, which can lead you to make food choices that are less health promoting. This perpetuates the stress cycle and can lead to an increased risk of chronic disease over time. A lack of sleep impacts your cognition, clarity, and mental performance. It creates more stress on the body and promotes inflammation, making you more prone to chronic illness and other health conditions.
The body goes through deep cleansing processes during sleep. When sleep quality becomes compromised stress hormones are released which further impact the body’s ability to cleanse properly and effectively. So many of the sleep issues and challenges present today stem from a high toxic load: the presence of chemicals, toxic heavy metals, and pathogens. Instead of contributing to that load by taking prescription or OTC sleep medication, it is imperative to address the root and cleanse the body, which ultimately disrupts the body’s hormonal balance. The toxins, heavy metals, chemicals etc. accumulate in the liver and then travel to the brain where they impair and interfere with nerve transmission and neurotransmitter function. Cleansing and detoxification address the root cause of the sleep issue(s) and create a balanced physiological state for restorative sleep to transpire naturally. Cleansing and detoxification begin with eliminating health hindering foods, eliminating toxic products, incorporating health promoting foods, and choosing clean health promoting products.
The sacred sleep window: 10 - 2 (applies to morning and night). During this period of time healing, regeneration, and rejuvenation occurs at an accelerated and amplified rate. Even if you get a shorter night of sleep, if you sleep during this sleep window you will feel more rested and energized. If you have trouble sleeping or you wake up during the night don’t stress. The stress is worse than just being present with the experience. Just know that even if you’re awake some parts of the brain are asleep and you are still getting necessary rest. Some people function well with 5 hours of sleep while others feel best with 7-9. Each body is different. It is important to find what feels supportive for you.
Sleep Issue Contributors:
Adrenal Issues + Fatigue | High Stress | Blue light exposure | Digestive Issues |Sluggish Overburdened Liver | Emotional Stress and Trauma | Toxic Heavy Metals | Viruses | Neurological Issues | High Toxic Load | A High Fat Diet
Simple Ways to Support your Sleep:
Eat a lighter dinner earlier in the evening
Turn off electronics at least 1 hour before bed
Use f.lux on your computer to decrease blue light exposure in the evenings
Change your phone to a redlight setting for the evening
Use Himalayan salt lamps instead of fluorescent lights that emit blue light and disrupt melatonin production
Go to bed at the same time each night — routine supports your body and helps regulate your circadian rhythm
Diffuse lavender essential oil in your bedroom to promote relaxation + sleep
Wind down for bed with a gratitude journal
Health Hindering Foods to Eliminate + Avoid:
Eggs — feed pathogens like Streptococcus + EBV, contain a high fat content which prevents cleansing and clogs the lymph
Dairy — high in fat, clogs lymphatic system + liver, dairy feeds pathogens that cause health symptoms, conditions, and illnesses
Gluten — feeds Streptococcus bacteria and other viruses, promotes inflammation, and contributes to digestive issues
Canola Oil + Other Processed Oils (soybean, safflower, etc.) — creates inflammation, free radicals + oxidation, high fat content burdens the liver and slows the lymphatic flow
Alcohol — dehydrates the body + skin, creates acidity, taxes the liver, and promotes premature aging
Caffeine — dehydrates the body and skin, accelerates aging, creates acidity, taxes the adrenals, + hinders collagen formation. Caffeine compromises the adrenals, liver, and lymphatic system
Hydration to Support Sleep:
Celery Juice — supports the adrenals, balances hormones, heals digestive issues, neutralizes toxins and pathogens, cleanses the liver and lymphatic system, and supports healthy brain and neurotransmitter activity.
Coconut Water — contains essential trace minerals that play a vital role in the brain and body, revitalizes the adrenals which supports sleep quality. Coconut water strengthens the immune system, balances the body’s pH, and cleanses the body.
Ginger Water — ginger water supports and calms digestive symptoms and discomfort that disrupt sleep
Lemon or Lime Water — lemon or lime water flushes the liver, supports the body’s cleansing process, hydrates the body on a cellular level. Lemons and limes cleanse the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, spleen, thyroid, and lymphatic system.
Foods to Support Sleep:
Bananas — contain tryptophan and fructose to soothe neurotransmitters. They activate 5-HTP making it more bioavailable and accelerating its absorption.
Cherries — a great natural source of melatonin that support your neurotransmitters and glial cells
Mangoes — contain bioavailable magnesium to support relaxation and nervous system regulation. They enhance L-Glutamine absorption which is essential in reducing MSG from the brain.
Pomegranates — reduce lactic acid in the body that can cause leg and muscle cramps. They are potent anti-inflammatory and anti-mucus food that elevates the muscles relaxing capabilities of Magnesium Glycinate
Wild Blueberries — the most adaptogenic + antioxidant rich food that possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-mucus properties. They cleanse the body and brain of MSG + heavy metals. They also enhance the absorption of every single nutrient in the body.
Asparagus — anti-mucus and anti-inflammatory, asparagus creates a calming effect in the body as it cleanses free radicals and chemicals that burden the body. Asparagus amplifies the effects of GABA and Magnesium L-Threonate.
Lettuce — the stems and cores of lettuce leaves calm the nerves and produce a sedative effect in the body. When paired with passionflower, lettuce enhances the soothing neurological impact of this herbal supplement.
Spinach — calcium rich and alkalizing, Spinach is a potent source of mineral salts. When coupled with Glycine, it strengthens neurotransmitter function.
Sweet Potatoes — contain bioavailable glucose that promotes the evolution of glycine, dopamine, GABA, and serotonin, neurotransmitters that support sleep. Sweet potatoes magnify the potency of melatonin and facilitate its delivery to the brain. In combination, sweet potatoes and melatonin create an antioxidant effect that prevents oxidation of toxic heavy metals in the brain.
Herbs to Support Sleep:
Celery — contains an abundance of mineral salts that support electrical impulses and neurotransmitter formation. Celery amplifies the absorption and assimilation of GABA, Glycine, and Magnesium L-Threonate in the brain and neurotransmitter communication to support sleep.
Cilantro — powerfully and effectively binds and eliminates MSG and toxic heavy metals from the brain and body. Cilantro enhances the power of L-Glutamine to remove MSG and become a heavy metal detox cofactor.
Garlic — a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-mucus respiratory support that facilitates deep uninterrupted sleep. Garlic contains trace amounts of bioavailable magnesium that enhance the ability of Magnesium Glycinate to support breathing and deep restorative sleep.
Licorice Root — supports and rejuvenates the adrenals at an accelerated pace. It amplifies the ability of Magnesium Glycinate to soothe the adrenals and revitalize them sooner.
Valerian Root — possesses tranquilizing properties, soothes insomnia. It supports the central nervous system and muscular system. It alleviates anxiety, eases digestive discomfort + cramps.
Supplements for Sleep:
Ashwagandha — a powerful adaptogenic herb, Ashwagandha supports brain function neurotransmitters, and eases neurological conditions like migraines, brain fog, spasms, nerve pain, and RLS. It supports the production of thyroid hormones, which promotes a balanced sleep rhythm.
Lemon Balm — supports the nervous system, adrenals, liver, and digestive system. Known for its soothing properties, Lemon Balm also promotes calm and deep restorative sleep.
Magnesium Glycinate — calms the nervous system, supports the adrenals, cleanses the liver, and promotes deeper sleep.
Melatonin — strengthens the liver, supports neurotransmitters, and helps resolve sleep conditions and issues.
Vitamin B12 — supports the liver + the nervous system and soothes anxiety, thus enhancing sleep quality.
Products I Love that Support My Sleep: