Morning Cleanse Routine for Radiant Health

The Morning Cleanse is an amazing way to begin your day! I have been following this morning cleanse routine for a few years now and feel so good. Rather than relying on caffeine and processed sugar to “energize” me in the morning, I now rely solely on nourishing and healing foods to fuel and energize my mind and body. The morning cleanse has elevated my energy levels, healed my adrenal fatigue, improved my digestion, and cleared my skin. Wherever I go I stick with lemon water in the morning even if I don’t have access to celery juice. I have noticed a difference in my mood, sleep, and elimination.

The intention of the morning cleanse is to support the body in healing and creating radiant health. The mornings are a powerful time to cleanse. During the night the liver goes through an extensive 2 phase detoxification process. The liver filters the blood, cleanses the body, and concentrates the toxins so that they can be effectively eliminated in the morning. Hydration is essential upon waking so that we support elimination, detoxification, and cleansing. If we don’t eliminate first thing in the morning the toxins get reabsorbed back into the body and continue to perpetuate the symptoms and/or conditions we are experiencing.

Morning Cleanse Guidelines:

Hydrate— Hydration is key to detoxification. Keep it simple + pure. Focus on lemon water, celery juice, and coconut water.

Nourishment— Eating healing foods is critical to healing and cleansing. Fruit is the most healing food on the planet. We must eat fruit in order to heal.

Avoid fat— Fat prevents the body from cleansing. It thickens the blood and decreases the oxygen content in the blood, which compromises the body’s ability to heal. Fat also blocks the glucose receptors on the cells and inhibits the absorption of bioavailable glucose into the cells, thus creating insulin resistance. Fat is hard on the liver and causes it to become sluggish and stagnant. Avoid eating fat until lunchtime or later, if possible, as this will help the liver rejuvenate.

Morning Cleanse:

  1. Drink 16-32 ounces of lemon water— adding lemon to our water makes the water “living” and makes it more hydrating. It helps to detoxify the liver, cleanse the lymphatic system, and hydrate the body on a cellular level. Lemon water is incredibly healing because of the alkalizing effect it has on the body. Wait 20-30 minutes before having celery juice.

  2. Drink 16-32 ounces of celery juice— an incredible antibacterial and antiviral juice that supports the liver, brain, and heart. It enhances digestion by increasing the hydrochloric acid content in the stomach, remineralizes the teeth + bones, recharges the adrenals, and supports weight loss. The celery juice powerfully targets the pathogens responsible for so many of the symptoms, conditions, and illnesses we are experiencing today. Wait 20-30 minutes before having the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie or Fruit.

  3. Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (optional)—  Toxic Heavy Metals are becoming increasingly prevalent in our lives. They have a severe impact on our physical and mental health. Healing involves cleansing and removing these metals from our bodies and brains. The ingredients in this heavy metal detox smoothie work synergistically to powerfully + effectively remove toxic heavy metals from our bodies. Recipe here.

  4. Eat fruit for breakfast— glucose is the body’s primary fuel. Fruit contains an abundance of healing phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins, and bioavailable glucose that nourishes the liver, brain, and adrenals. It contains living water that hydrates the body on a cellular level. Fruit supports detoxification, cleansing, and healing. It is a nonnegotiable part of healing and reclaiming our health.  

The formula for healing and creating radiant health =

Remove trigger foods + Incorporate nutrient-dense healing foods

Making this simple shift in your morning will transform your health and your life in more ways than you might imagine! I have experienced it firsthand and have witnessed the transformation it has created for my friends, family, and clients. This information is intended to support and empower you to take your health back into your own hands and feel more confident, empowered, and alive!

You hold the power to transform your health + transform your live!

Remember, you are powerful.


Supplements to Avoid


Sunshine + Skin Health