Sunshine + Skin Health
Sunshine isn’t the problem. Sunscreen is.
I remember growing up I always loved spending time outside in the sun, but quickly became aware of the fear around the sun. My parents would lather my skin in sunscreen and as I grew older I was constantly advised to apply sunscreen and wear sun protection, all of which I did but resisted.There was a part of me that knew that there was something amiss… though I didn’t know what it was until much later. We’ve been conditioned to believe that the sun is harmful and we need to protect ourselves from its rays. However, in doing so we forget the healing power the sun has to support our health, detoxify our bodies, and promote healing. The sun is not what is causing skin cancer, rather the toxic chemical ingredients in sunscreen are the cause.
Chemical-based ingredients like oxybenzone, parabens, petroleum polymers, and PABA— inhibit the skin’s cellular respiration, aka the skin’s ability to breathe. When oxybenzone, a “powerful free-radical generator,” is exposed to sunlight it becomes carcinogenic (Artemis, N. 2016). Sunscreen separates the UVA and UVB rays from one another. While the UVB rays do not cause the burn after spending time in the sun, the UVA rays cause more concern. It is the isolated UVA rays that become harmful as they are thought to cause DNA damage. When the UVA rays penetrate skin that has been lathered in conventional sunscreen, they activate the carcinogenic properties of oxybenzone. Sunscreen blocks UVB rays from penetrating the dermal layers, which prevents vitamin D production as the UVB rays are responsible for catalyzing the production of Vitamin D in the body. When this process is inhibited, Vitamin D deficiency becomes more prevalent, thus weakening the immune system.
A lack of vitamin D3 linked with cancer in more than 2500 studies. The University of California San Diego has conducted numerous studies examining the correlation between sunscreen use and incidence of melanoma. They revealed that melanoma decreased with increased sun exposure and increased with sunscreen use. Multiple studies demonstrated that appropriate sun exposure has a been shown to help prevent skin cancer. There appears to be a lack of evidence regarding the efficacy of sunscreen in preventing skin cancer.
The impact of the chemical ingredients found in sunscreen are more damaging and health concerning than a sunburn. Sunscreen ingredients are known to accumulate in our lipid layers and fat cells, increasing your intake of free radicals, xenoestrogens, and oxidized amino acids, which damage your DNA. The chemical ingredients also accumulate in the liver, creating more stress and toxic overload in the body.
Detoxing and cleansing are essential in helping you heal and elevate your health. The sun is incredibly healing and promotes detoxification. Many people experience rashes and reactions after spending time outside in the sun. The reactions are blamed on the sun. It is not the sun that is at fault, but the toxic overload in their bodies. They are simply experiencing a healing reaction as the sun draws the toxins to the skin’s surface.
To get back to health requires that you get back to nature. Embracing the healing power of the sun and nature is foundational. It is pure, simple, and essential. One way you can elevate and support your health is to spend time in the direct sunlight when possible. Spending time in the sun is incredibly healing, nourishing, and powerful. The sun plays a vital role in our physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellbeing. It is time to know the truth about sunshine so that you can empower yourself to reclaim your health and unlock your radiance.
Benefits of Sunshine:
Detoxifies the Body
Strengthens the Immune System
Boosts Metabolism
Balances Hormones
Purifies the Blood + Supports Circulation
Supports Skin Health + Helps Heal Skin Conditions
Energizes the Body
Regulates our Circadian Rhythm and Enhances Sleep
Enhances the absorption and function of every single nutrient in the body, including Vitamin C
Elevates Mood + Cognitive Function
Spending 5 minutes outside in direct sunlight every day will nourish, strengthen, + energize your body, mind, + soul.
Sun tips:
The best way is to incrementally increase the amount of time you are spending outside in the sun beginning with 5 minutes a day in the Spring
Spend time in the direct sun in the morning or evening as the sun rays are gentlest at these times
Avoid soap + chlorinated tap water after sunning
Hydrate with filtered water or pure spring water — add lemon to the water to make it more hydrating, cleansing, and nourishing
Before Sun Care
Combine a few drops of Peppermint Essential Oil + Fractionated Coconut Oil. Lather your body 15 minutes before spending time in the sun. Peppermint essential oil has photo-protective properties that protect the skin from burning and extend the time you are able to spend outside in the sun.
After Sun Care
Combine a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil and Fractionated Coconut Oil. Apply generously to the skin. Lavender essential oil is soothing and calming for the skin and supports the skin in regenerating and healing. It diminishes the appearance of scarring and helps heal burns.