Supplements to Avoid

“The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself [and the health of the humans].” ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Soil degradation and depletion has an impact beyond what may be perceived by our eyes and understood by our minds. Not only does it directly affect planetary health, but human health as well. Due to soil degradation, the vast majority of humans are deficient in trace minerals, vitamins, and other key nutrients that support our bodies and their physiological functions. Supplements are an essential part of healing, creating, and maintaining radiant health. Given proper supplementation and support, the resilient and intricate human body can regenerate, recover, and heal.

While supplement quantity matters, quality matters even more. Especially given the colossal size of the ~$130-billion supplement industry, which is not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Consequently, the quality of the mineral, vitamin, or nutrient may be compromised and the supplements themselves may contain questionable ingredients that are actually health harming rather than health promoting.

Amidst the sea of information, misinformation and trends have grown. So many people take supplements without considering the quality nor ingredients. It is essential that we become aware, empowered, and embodied consumers so that we can take our health back into our hands. That begins with becoming aware: finding and learning what is true. The list below is not an exhaustive list and does not include all the supplements to avoid, but it details commonly consumed supplements that are widely promoted.

Supplements to Avoid:

Alcohol-Based Tinctures The alcohol in tincture supplements can actually compromise the quality and benefit of the supplement. The alcohol in these tinctures nullifies the medicinal effect of the herbs and it is hard on the liver. The alcohol also causes dehydration in the body

Apple Cider Vinegar taking ACV has been promoted as a weight loss technique, however it is completely misunderstood and creates more harm than good. Vinegar is incredibly dehydrating and acidic. It acidifies the body, thus weakening the bones and teeth as they try to compensate and buffer the pH to bring the body into a more alkaline state. It is hard on the liver, compromising its efficiency and making weight loss even harder to achieve.

Bentonite Clay (and other clays used internally)— contrary to popular belief, the clays do not remove toxic heavy metals. They are dehydrating and disrupt the microbiome, allowing pathogenic bacteria to thrive and suffocating the good bacteria in the gut.

Chlorella— chlorella has been widely used and promoted for heavy metal detoxification. However, it does not efficiently nor effectively bind and eliminate the metals, rather it binds them and releases them into the body before excretion. This release and reabsorption of the heavy metals can perpetuate and worsen neurological symptoms and conditions. Spirulina is much more efficient and effective for removing toxic heavy metals from the body.

Collagen— animal-based collagen protein does not restore collagen in the body nor does it promote collagen production in the body, it actually depletes your body’s collagen stores. Consuming collagen protein contributes to an overburdened and stagnant liver. Collagen production in the body depends on the consumption of plant-based foods that provide bioavailable amino acids, which are the building blocks for protein. Plant-based silica is an incredible collagen booster that supports tendons, ligaments, joints, teeth, hair, skin, and nails without compromising the body’s collagen stores.

Electrolyte Powders and Drinks— they contain low-quality sodium that causes more dehydration in the body. Mineral salts from whole plant-based foods are what the body actually needs to thrive and heal, not processed salt. While these synthetic electrolytes attempt to “mimic” the naturally occurring electrolytes found in fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables, they do not.

Fish Oil— mercury and dioxins are a concern when it comes to consuming seafood, including fish oil supplements. The mercury and toxins accumulate in the adipose tissues, fat cells, of the fish. The fish oil is produced from the adipose tissue, which concentrates the mercury and dioxins. The fish get their eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from algae. I always say avoid the middle fish and take a Vegan EPA + DHA supplement, which is more bioavailable and health promoting.

Maca Root commonly taken to support hormone health and balance hormones, Maca can actually disrupt the endocrine system, causes an overproduction or underproduction of hormones. While it may produce an initial feel good effect due to its steroidal properties, it wears off and the tolerance we adapt for it begins to increase. Balancing the hormones begins with the foods we eat and can be supported with Raspberry Leaf Tea and Nettle Leaf.

Whey Protein Powder— is a dairy product that is highly inflammatory and contributes to the symptoms, conditions, and illnesses we face. Whey protein is not bioavailable nor absorbed by our bodies, it is hard to digest and is hard on the liver. There is also a misconception around protein… we get more protein than we realize. Ingesting more protein powder is not going to give us what we truly need.

Supplement Ingredients To Avoid:


Citric Acid

Magneisum Stearate

Natural Flavors


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