Planning Your Month Intentionally
We have just crossed into a new month and this time offers a powerful opportunity for reflection + introspection. I was reflecting on October and was in awe of all that I experienced, created, and achieved. There was something different about this month that was unparalleled to the other months. It was how I intentionally I planned and lived it. I made maverick moves and decided that it would be a pivotal month for me. This is a time of transformation and reclamation. Reflection will help you reclaim who you are, so you can focus on becoming who you are meant to be. There are so many possibilities that exist for us as we near the end of 2024. I wanted to share a few of my favorite ways to create and design my life.
The Power of Reflection
One thing I always love doing is to spend time at the end of each month reflecting on all that I have experienced: the memories, adventures, lessons, accomplishments, programs, and connections. I find that this reflection in hindsight integrates wisdom, clarifies my truth, and conjures gratitude. It truly is amazing to reflect on our lives one month at a time. A month can feel like a blink in time, but when we begin to live more intentionally it is astounding how much we can create and accomplish within this time. Reflecting on the month guides your focus, energy, and intention for the month to follow. It is a cyclical process that when established creates unshakable confidence and monumental momentum. A strong ending begins with a strong beginning.
Back to the Beginning
The beginning of each month is a powerful time to set a context or intention for the month ahead. The more you live intentionally, the more you create, experience and accomplish. When you create a plan, you become the source of your time rather than the victim to time lost or wasted. Ideally, the intention and context is connected to the vision you hold for your future self. Becoming intentional with your month ahead creates a filter through which you make decisions and plans - it will support you in discerning what aligns and what does not align with that vision of you. How we begin and live the month creates a strong foundation to build on throughout and is what creates an unforgettable lived experience.
Intention | Impact
The intention for your month influences the impact of your experience and the impact of your plan. Being intentional in the beginning phases of creating your plan carries intentionality throughout the entire process of following the plan and achieving the desire. The quality of your intention reflects the quality of the plan and the impact of the desire.
Designing a Plan
Without a plan, your energy, focus, and efforts become dispersed and unproductive. When you set an intention you have a clear point of focus which allows you to create an aligned plan to take your desires from the realm of your mind and transform them into your reality. Having a plan helps focus your mind and align your actions so that you can successfully actualize your desires. Having a plan makes you more intentional with your time and clarifies your priorities, which maximize your efforts and skyrocket your productivity.
Questions to Contemplate:
What were the lessons, memories, and experiences from October I am anchoring in?
What am I celebrating?
What do I feel grateful for?
What is the intention or context I want to focus on for November that supports the vision I hold for myself and my life?
This is the time to create a plan that changes your life and aligns you with the vision you hold for your future self.
May you have the most extraordinary November!