A Hidden Force Impacting your Health: EMFs
In today's technological age, we are constantly surrounded by a hidden force is impacting our health in ways we might not realize. This hidden force is electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Even if you are someone who is aware of the impact of EMF and minimizes your exposure and use of electronic devices, you are still exposed and impacted.
What are EMFs?
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are invisible waves of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are produced by electrical and electronic devices, as well as natural sources like the Earth and sun. EMFs are classified into two categories: low-frequency (non-ionizing) and high-frequency (ionizing). Low-frequency EMFs are emitted by devices such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, computers, microwaves, and power lines. High-frequency EMFs, such as X-rays and gamma rays, have the potential to ionize cells and are more immediately harmful, but we are less exposed to them in daily life compared to non-ionizing EMFs. However, increasing evidence suggests that prolonged exposure to EMFs can disrupt our bodies' natural functions and impact our physiology. While the dangers of high-dose radiation exposure are well-documented, emerging research highlights concerns about low-dose exposure and its cumulative effects on human and planetary health.
Sources of EMFs:
EMFs are everywhere, emanating from:
Household appliances: Wi-Fi routers, microwaves, hair dryers, landline phones, and even refrigerators
Electronics: Smartphones, laptops, tablets, Bluetooth devices, and headphones (wireless and wired)
Power lines: High-voltage transmission lines and transformers
Airport Travel: Security screening machines and luggage X-ray machines
Smart meters: These devices, installed by utility companies, emit radio frequencies
EMFs and Their Impact:
EMFs have an impact on both human and planetary health. EMFs are electrosmog, a term used to describe electromagnetic fields emitted from technology. There are two forms of EMF: Nonnative EMF – from manmade devices – and Native EMF – magnetic fields from the Earth's natural frequency. Electrosmog adversely impacts all biodiversity on Earth, and also obscures the Earth's frequency. Birds have cryptochromes, light sensitive proteins, in their retinas designed to give them their ability to sense the Earth's natural magnetic field. This magnetic sense supports their migratory and flight patterns, which as a result of the electrosmog have become significantly impacted. One analogy I heard was imagine looking out at the sky and only seeing black, this is how it is for the birds, bees, and other animals with a magnetic sense. The pollution from these devices may be invisible and silent, yet the effect is evident and significant.
Human Health Impacts:
While research is ongoing, studies have linked EMF exposure to various health concerns, including:
Adrenal Health: EMFs create excess stress on the body, taxing the adrenals. EMFs also produce oxidative stress, resulting in free radicals and cellular damage,
Sleep disturbances: EMFs elevate cortisol levels and interfere with melatonin production, a hormone crucial for sleep regulation. EMFs also impact the electrical pulses of our hearts.
Headaches and Fatigue: Some individuals experience headaches and fatigue after prolonged exposure to EMFs, as EMFs can cause cellular damage and impair mitochondrial function. Mitochondria are the energy production centers in the cells.
Cognitive Issues: Studies suggest a possible link between EMF exposure and difficulties with memory, focus, and concentration.
Increased Risk of Certain Cancers: Some research indicates a potential association between EMF exposure and an increased risk of certain cancers, further research is underway. They are also noticing an increase in tumor growth, especially in the brain where contact with cellphones and bluetooth headphones is common.
Reproductive Health Issues and Infertility: Radiation can damage reproductive organs and disrupt hormonal balance, critical for fertility. For women, radiation exposure can harm ovarian follicles, the small sacs in which eggs develop. Damage to these follicles can lead to a reduced ovarian reserve, early menopause, and diminished fertility. In men, radiation can impair sperm production and lead to DNA fragmentation in sperm cells, which not only reduces fertility but also increases the risk of birth defects and miscarriages.
Empowering Yourself: Mitigation Strategies
The good news is that you can take steps to reduce your EMF exposure and protect your health:
Distance: Keep your distance from electronic devices when possible. Don't sleep with your phone next to your head, and use speakerphone or a headset for while speaking on the phone.
Minimize Use and Exposure: Limit your screen time and take breaks from electronic devices throughout the day.
Hardwire your Internet: Opt for a wired internet connection instead of relying on Wi-Fi.
Turn off Devices: When not in use, turn off Wi-Fi routers, laptops, phones, and other electronic devices.
EMF Protection: Investing in EMF shielding products like phone cases, laptop shields, and other protective devices will also mitigate the impact of the exposures.
Grounding: grounding is an imperative practice as nature contains negative ions that help balance our energetic field and rejuvenate our bodies on a cellular level. EMFs emit a positive charge and this charge accumulates in our bodies over time. So if we are not grounding we continue to build a positive charge which directly impacts the functioning of our bodies. Our bodies are highly attuned to Earth's frequencies. EMFs obscure our bodies' connection to Earth's frequencies, leading to imbalance and many other challenges.
Plants: plants help filter the air, reduce static, produce negative ions, and eliminate pollution. Top plant types to enhance your living environment and mitigate the effects of EMFs include: spider, snake, and cacti.
Aware and Empowered
While the research on EMFs continues to evolve, taking aligned action steps to minimize your exposure is a wise choice to support your health. Remember, knowledge is power, but only when aligned action is taken. By understanding the potential impacts of EMFs and taking action to mitigate their effects, you can create a healthier environment for yourself and your loved ones.
Just like toxins, toxic heavy metals, and chemicals accumulate in the body, so, too, does radiation. Therefore, it is critical that we not only take aligned action to minimize our exposure, but to also support the body's ability to cleanse and remove the radiation safely. There are various foods to support effective detoxification of radiation.
Foods to Detox Radiation from the Body:
Potatoes — a powerful antiviral vegetable that safely removes radiation from the body
Cilantro — powerfully and effectively binds and eliminates radiation and toxic heavy metals from the brain and body.
Barley Grass Juice Powder — contains vital nutrients for the body, detoxes heavy metals, cleanses radiation, viruses, and other toxins from the body.
Spirulina — removes radiation, detoxifies the body of heavy metals and other chemicals, abundant source of vital minerals and nutrients, supports the nervous system and muscle growth.
Honey — adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, and immune strengthening. Honey contains anticancer phytochemicals, reduces radiation, and supports the body’s recovery and healing processes.
Wellness Innovations
As our reliance on electronic devices grows, awareness around EMF exposure and its potential health impacts is becoming increasingly important. Although the full extent of EMF’s influence on health is still under investigation, adopting precautionary measures can help reduce the potential risks and support overall well-being. Amazingly, there are so many incredible wellness innovations that can mitigate the impact and protect our brains, bodies, and health. Here are a few of my favorites!
EMF Protection Products I love, trust, and use:
EMF Blocking Phone and Laptop Cases
We live in this world but are not of it. These technologies are powerful and supportive when used in a way that protects and supports our health. This is the time we are in: old souls in a modern world. As we grow and evolve so does technology and we must learn to adapt alongside it. Our health determines the future. It is time to reclaim our power and take our health back into our own hands.