Time is of the Essence
Time is our most valuable resource. Unlike many other resources available to us, it is nonrenewable and finite. However, there are ways we can expand our experience of time and maximize its quality and quantity. But what truly is time? From a quantum physics perspective, linear time does not exist. Rather, time is like a spiral, known as kairos, with all timelines existing simultaneously. According to Newtonian physics, we perceive time in a linear fashion, known as chronos.
Our Perception of Time Impacts our Experience of Time
Are you someone who feels like you don’t have enough time and moves through life feeling rushed and scattered? Or do you feel you have an abundance of time and are present and intentional in every moment? Our perspective of time influences our experience of it. Therefore, it is imperative to be aware of our perspective of and relationship with time. When we feel time scarcity, we focus on the perceived “lack” of time, which compounds the feeling of not having enough time. Similarly, when we feel like we have enough time, we focus on the perceived “abundance” of time, which compounds the feeling of enoughness and spaciousness. This perception shapes how we show up and live our lives. Each action has an impact, and the impact is determined by our intention. When we are subconsciously running on “not enough time,” that influences our intention and consequently our actions.
Gay Hendricks says, “you are the source of your time.” This statement initially triggered me when I read it, but the more I contemplated it, the more I realized its power and truth. We become the source of our time when we change our relationship to time and our perception of it. We become the source of our time when we prioritize what matters to us and wisely decide what we are devoting our time and energy to. Time has always been a fascinating concept for me, and there are many ways I’ve maximized my time—knowing that it is valuable and desiring to invest it wisely. I have discovered certain habits and tips along my journey, and I am excited to share them with you!
Habit Stacking: A Powerful Technique
Have you ever heard of the concept of habit stacking?
James Clear explains habit stacking as, “one of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack your new behavior on top.”
Habit stacking is one of my favorite ways to do and experience more within a given timeframe. BJ Fogg created the idea of habit stacking to efficiently integrate new habits into existing routines. As I integrated more wellness practices, rituals, and programs into my life, I had to become clever and wise with my time. I identified habits I already had in place and added new ones to the existing ones as felt aligned. For example, I had already been meditating for a few years before I got my Red Light Therapy (RLT) Face Mask and device. It felt like a large amount of time to dedicate to just sitting and doing my RLT, so I decided to stack these new wellness habits onto my existing daily morning meditation. I have loved this technique and feel so accomplished, as I can do, learn, and experience more in the same amount of time without feeling overwhelmed and stressed about a perceived “lack” of time.
Some of My Favorite Habit Stacks:
~ Meditation while doing Red Light Therapy
~ Infrared Sauna Session while doing Breathwork
~ Walking with friends and catching up, rather than sitting at a coffee shop—moving my body and staying active
~ Driving while listening to a podcast, audiobook, or program module—making the most of my drive. Fun fact: the brain processes information quickly, so it helps to be doing something like driving, walking, or moving while listening. The motion helps the brain process and retain information.
Understanding the Law of Vacuum with Respect to Time
The Law of Vacuum, when applied to time, implies that by intentionally creating space in our schedules, we can attract more meaningful and fulfilling activities. Just as nature abhors a vacuum and fills empty spaces, clearing time in our busy lives can invite new opportunities and experiences that align with our goals and values.
Let go of Time Drains: To make room for what truly matters, we must first identify and eliminate activities that drain our time and energy. This could include unproductive habits, excessive screen time, or commitments that no longer serve us.
Create Space in your Time: By freeing up time in our schedules, we create a vacuum that can be filled with more purposeful and enriching activities. This intentional space can lead to greater productivity, creativity, and personal fulfillment.
Invite Aligned Opportunities: Once we have created time space, we naturally attract opportunities and experiences that resonate with our higher purpose. This could be in the form of new hobbies, deeper relationships, personal growth, or career advancement.
Practical Steps to Apply the Law of Vacuum to Time
Perform a Time Audit: Notice how you spend your time over the period of a week. Identify activities that are necessary, productive, and fulfilling, as well as those that deplete your energy.
Eliminate the Non-Essentials: Once you’ve identified the things that don’t serve you, begin to let them go. This will look differently for everyone. It could mean cutting back on social media, saying no to unnecessary meetings, or delegating tasks that others can handle.
Prioritize What Matters: Focus on activities that align with your desires and values. Schedule time for self-care, family, creativity, and personal development. Using a calendar ensures that these things happen and it reflects your priorities.
Create Boundaries: Protect your time and energy by setting clear boundaries. Learn to say no to requests and demands that don’t align with your values, desires, nor priorities. This honors the time space you’ve created for more meaningful endeavors.
By reframing your concept of time, incorporating habit stacking into your rituals + routines, and understanding the law of vacuum you can make the most of your time and enhance the quality of your life. You reclaim your time and power and are able to design the life that you desire. Remember, you are the source of your time, and your perception of it creates your experience of it.