
A collection of resources to support you on your wellness + personal growth journey.

On my wellness and personal growth journey I did a lot of experimenting, researching, and learning. I found many different teachers, podcasts, books, products, programs, + tools that supported me in a myriad of ways. I have compiled a collection of some of the most supportive and impactful resources here to support you on your own wellness + personal development journey. Know that you are unique and not all of the resources here will feel like a fit for you, that is perfect. Trust yourself to know what is and isn't for you. It is your path and only you know what is true for you. It is about discovering your way and nothing more.


Self-Discovery Tools

Find what is true for you.



You Are The One Kute Blackson

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself  Dr. Joe Dispenza

Becoming Supernatural Dr. Joe Dispenza

The Universe Has Your Back Gabrielle Bernstein

Super Attractor Gabrielle Bernstein

The Surrender Experiment Michael Singer 

The Untethered Soul Michael Singer

Spirit Hacking Shaman Durek

A New Earth Eckart Tolle

The Power of Intention Wayne Dyer

Discover Your Dharma Sahara Rose

Be Your Future Self Now Dr. Benjamin Hardy


Energy Speaks Lee Harris 

The Soul of Money Lynne Twist

Money: A Love Story Kate Northrup

Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind T. Harv Eker

Rich as F*ck Amanda Frances


Just Breathe Dan Brulé

Breath James Nestor


What Happened to You Oprah + Dr. Bruce Perry 

The Body Keeps the Score Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD


How To Be An Antiracist Ibram X. Kendi

Me and White Supremacy Layla F. Saad

White Fragility Robin DiAngelo

Between the World and Me Ta-Nehisi Coates

My Grandmother’s Hands Resmaa Menakem


Break the Good Girl Myth Majo Molfino

Women Food and God Geneen Roth

Untamed Glennon Doyle

A Woman’s Worth Marianne Williamson

The Highly Sensitive Person Elaine N. Aron

Open Wide Melissa Ambrosini


Essentialism Greg McKeown

Sensitive is the New Strong Anita Moorjani

Limitless Jim Kwik

Atomic Habits James Clear

The 5 AM Club Robin Sharma

Do Less Kate Northrup

Stress Less Accomplish More Emily Fletcher 

War of Art Steven Pressfield

Turning Pro Steven Pressfield

The Big Leap Gay Hendricks

Time Magic Melissa Ambrosini + Nick Broadhurst

10X is Easier than 2X Dan Sullivan + Dr. Benjamin Hardy

The Gap and the Gain Dan Sullivan + Dr. Benjamin Hardy


Mind Over Medicine Lissa Rankin

Farmacology Daphne Miller

Grow a New Body Alberto Villoldo

The Biology of Belief Bruce Lipton

The Telomere Effect Elizabeth Blackburn, Elissa Epel

Perfect Health Deepak Chopra

Hidden Messages in Water Masuro Emoto

In Defense of Food Michael Pollan

Detox Your Home Christine Dimmick

Medical Medium Series Anthony William


Body Whispering Dr. Dain Heer

Wisdom of Your Body Hillary McBride

Touching Enlightenment Dr. Reginald Ray


While on my wellness journey I was actively seeking clean products based on 3 criteria: simplicity, sustainability, and effectiveness. Below are some of my favorite non-toxic, organic, and eco-friendly products that are good for you + the planet.