Embodied Flow

Yoga is about how it feels in your body. Intentionally linking the breath + movement to reconnect the mind and body brings about a sense of calm, balance, and energy. Getting back into the body and recreating a relationship based on trust is essential. It takes time and patience. A lot of our holding patterns and stress gets locked into our bodies. Yoga is a powerful practice to support healing and transformation.

In the classes I teach the focus is on alignment, awareness, and balance. Breath is foundational in yoga. Breath awareness and conscious breathing throughout the yoga practice facilitate deeper experiences on and off the mat.

  • Alignment

    Inner alignment begins in the body and creates outer alignment. Physical alignment in the body creates energetic alignment. A simple change in posture impacts the physiology of the body and in turn impacts the mental, emotional, and energetic states. Bringing our physical bodies back into alignment allows us to feel and connect with our personal power, intuition, and live from a place of genuine alignment.

  • Awareness

    Awareness is the first step to change and transformation. Yoga invites us to become more aware of our bodies and the sensations within. As we become aware we create more balance. Breath awareness is also key and impacts us both on and off the mat. Many notice that once they begin becoming aware of their bodies through Yoga and Breathwork they experience heightened awareness in their daily lives and are able to create more transformation.

  • Balance

    Balance is a crucial pillar in my yoga teaching and philosophy. When we cultivate inner balance, we create balance in our outer daily lives. When we feel balanced in our mind and body it is easier to show up and have a positive impact on those around us. We often look to others or external things to find balance, but it exists within. So it is time to cultivate it within us and bring it forth into our lives and the world.

The Embodied Flow Method

Through my own practice and exploration with Yoga and various other modalities, I created The Embodied Flow Method, an embodiment-based practice intentionally designed to promote meaningful + lasting transformation. I teach Embodied Flow classes and facilitate 1:1 Embodied Flow Method Sessions, which are unique in their intention, design, and flow. Combining Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/“tapping”), Vinyasa Flow Yoga, and Breathwork to create a deeper sense of purpose, presence, and connection. These sessions are designed to promote awareness, alignment, and growth.

Often, the incessant chatter in the mind distracts us from connecting to our bodies and the present moment. Beginning with EFT is an amazing way to release stress, thoughts, and anxiety, so that we can become more aware and connected to ourselves. EFT is powerful on its own, and when combined with Yoga and Breathwork its impact is amplified. Being more present allows us to connect with our bodies so we can move intentionally and intuitively during the yoga flow. Moving our bodies from a place of connection establishes a deeper sense of trust and regulates the nervous system.

B.K.S. Iyengar spoke about how the Yoga Asana practice prepares the body for breathwork. By moving the physical body we begin to move energy in the subtle layers of the body (i.e. energetic, mental, emotional, + spiritual). Completing the session with breathwork is an amazing way to release residual energies and emotions that arose during the movement and tapping.

Interested in a Private Transformational Embodied Flow Yoga Session that is personalized to your bio-mechanically unique body, your specific needs + wellness goals?!

$125 / hour